A couple of weeks ago, The Wave columnist Betty Pleasant reported on the disconnect Bernard Parks has with his constituents, harping on a moment at a recent community meeting, where one of Parks' chief deputies told a constituent before an audience of 150 to "SHUT UP!" Twice.
It's clear that the staff's shortcomings when it comes to respecting the people who they've been put in office to represent, let alone address constituent concerns rots from the head.
After being asked how people could contact him about the concerns they have with the line by one of the Fix Expo leaders, who also happens to be one of the most knowledgeable and well-known rail transit advocates in the region, and the Co-Chair of the area's neighborhood council, Parks responded, "Just because you don't like the line, you should stop wasting other people's time because you have a concern about it."
How sad that Council Parks considers fighting for the safety of our children, environmental justice, and community preservation, a waste of people's time.
Parks then goes on to say he refused to attend the community forum on this issue (nor send a staff member) because he was "busy."
Councilman Parks can be contacted:
Email: councilmember.parks@lacity.org
City Hall
200 North Spring Street
Room 460
Los Angeles, CA 90012
213-473-7008 (Phone)
213-485-7683 (Fax)
District Office
3847 S. Crenshaw Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90008
323-293-9467 (Phone)
323-293-3696 (Fax)